CB Test Report / CB Certificate

Our SGS Center for Quality Engineering is accredited as a Certified Body Testing Laboratory (CBTL) from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to participate in the CB-scheme.


The CB-scheme has been drawn up by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to simplify international dealings with electrotechnical products. By using the CB-scheme, it is ensured that affiliated national approval laboratories (NCBs – National Certified Bodies) accept each other’s test reports. Consequently time-consuming and drawn-out approval procedures for single countries can be omitted. To this day, the CB-scheme has been joined by over 60 countries, amongst others Germany, China, USA, Japan, Canada, France, Great-Britain, Australia, Russia, and many more. 

The CB-certification by SGS Center for Quality Engineering is structured as follows:

  • A safety test is performed for the product according to a harmonised IEC standard (e.g. IEC 60950, IEC 61010, IEC 60065, …). During this process, national deviations for distinct countries are considered depending on customer preference.
  • After successful completion of testing, the customer receives a CB-report and a CB-certificate for his product or his product line.
  • With these documents the customer can apply for a particular national approval mark (e.g. PSE for Japan, CCC for China, …) with any accredited NCB worldwide.

Naturally, we can support applications for national approvals using our international network of the SGS group. SGS as a globally leading testing and certification company has a global setup of more than 1000 subsidiaries in 140 countries. You are interested in more details?

Simply speak to us!


Armin Hudetz
t: +49 89 78 74 75-133
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Customer Service Team
t: +49 89 78 74 75-222
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